


The General Assembly of Cittaslow International, which was held in Orvieto from 20 to 23 June 2019, achieved great success, both in terms of content and numbers.

Over 300 delegates, including mayors and public administrators, arrived in Orvieto and participated in workshops and seminars on good government practices and Cittaslow Education projects.

During the assembly the petition against the climate emergency was unanimously approved (here the launch of Ansa Ambiente and in annex the full text of the Cittaslow Mayors' Petition). A Document was then approved for an Agreement with Europarc, the federation of all National Parks and European protected areas, which will be presented and countersigned in September in Lithuania: targeting forms of sustainable development without affecting the heritage of local biodiversity and culture , sees a deep and natural communion of intent between Cittaslow and worldwide protected areas. Among the others were the Director General of the Alta Murgia National Park, Domenico Nicoletti and the representatives of the Chinese National Nature Reserve of Changbai Shan, which joined the UNESCO program "Man and Biosphere" in 1979, and the world reserve of the terrestrial biosphere (UNESCO, 2008).

Circular economy, resilience, projects for urban quality and combating social desertification, new systems and solutions for environmental protection, sustainable transport, energy saving, schools as a driving force for civic and civil education of the new "citizens slow ", are just some of the topics covered in the very popular three-day Orvieto meeting. More than 300 mayors and delegates were welcomed and accompanied to discover the city and the back stage of the historical procession of Orvieto, with sixty students from the technical and linguistic high school, in collaboration with their professors. The volunteers of the association AGe / Ass. Parents of Orvieto in honor of the guests have given life to a popular festival in Rocca Ripesena, Il Paese delle Rose, open to all citizens, offering an authentic and appreciated slow hospitality, while the merchants of Orvieto's Mercato Cittaslow have organized an extraordinary slow appetizer with local products of excellence at the Gala dinner in the garden of the Municipal Library. Furthermore, there were indeed many trade, craft and service operators who, together with municipal officials and workers, contributed to the success of the initiative that will be repeated in June next year, as decided in the Assembly.

During the assembly, the prizes were also awarded to the best projects completed in the last year in Cittaslow:

Cittaslow Best Practices Prize

Quality of urban life policies.

"Palboc Art Factory"
In perfect Cittaslow style, the municipality of Jeonju promoted the reuse of two abandoned buildings: a videotape and the ancient palace of the governor of Jeolla province, 500 years old. The project has achieved the objectives of renewing and revitalizing the local cultural environment, creating a new center for cultural rebirth, an attraction for tourists and residents. The project has in fact supported the artists' activities, including exhibitions and a creative art school.

Environmental and Energy policies

"Let's re-do" - a reuse center "
The project integrates different functional aspects, on the one hand energy and environment, on the other social protection and the fight against poverty. It is a recycling center and selection of used items such as clothes, furniture and more, to be redistributed to families in difficulty. The intervention promotes sustainable lifestyles by reducing the ecological impact due to the production of waste.

Policies for hospitality, awareness and training

"Little Fong, It’s time for school"
The project is the result of an initiative developed by Fonglin, which was among the first cities able to spread Cittaslow principles in schools (Cittaslow Education). An illustrated book based on the true story that happened at Cittaslow Fonglin was produced. The book includes local history, animals, parties, food, crafts, people and an idea of ​​integrated Cittaslow.

Quality of urban life policies

"Pop Up Stores"
The project intervenes to reduce the desertification process in small towns, caused also by the crisis of small local shops due to large shopping centers. The project revitalizes the inhospitable environment of semi-abandoned commercial areas by introducing pop-up shops, preventing further company relocations and promoting the creation of new businesses.


"Life returns to the castle" s policies
The local government has decided to rebuild the castle of the bishops of Chełmno, transforming it into a center of social activities. The idea was to create an educational path around the monument, a bike path, a bridge and a small parking area for visitors. In the castle a center of social activities was created, created by Polish cities belonging to the international network of Cittaslow. It is completely adapted to the needs of disabled people. The location, the historical value of the area and the purpose of the activities have made the castle a key place in Lubawa.

VAALS (NL) score: 3
Social cohesion

"Exchange Store Vaals"
The goal is to reduce social disparity and support disadvantaged families. In particular, the project works on the structural and lasting improvement of the health and well-being of disadvantaged families. The Store works to exchange things and services and provide a meeting point for everyone.

Agricultural, touristic and artisan policies

"Mount Akagi Cycling Festa and Gourmet Ride"
The aim is to attract cyclists to the area to taste the delicacies of the area while moving from one place to another by bicycle. The project also included digital technologies to disseminate information on the rural area, spread knowledge of the food culture of the Cittaslow area, as well as its natural and tourist resources. The initiative offers the opportunity for people living in a big city to meet the local population living in the countryside.

Special mention for MORIMONDO (IT)
Green Jobs Hub is a physical space of co-inspiration to generate new visions for the future.

Special mention for NANZHUANG (TW)
The originality of the project consists in using, in a creative way, the hydrangea flower, a natural heritage existing in the territory.

Cittaslow International video contest award 2019

YAXI (China), for the video "Yaxi, more than slow down" as expressed with great technical skill, poetry and beauty, the philosophy of Cittaslow through the images, experiences, people, landscapes and products of the Yaxi area .

Special mention for: LIDZBARK (Poland) for the video "Lidzbark in Cittaslow" for the great communicative ability that expresses the values ​​and the typical projects of a Cittaslow with rhythm and joy.

Special mention for: GIMHAE (South Korea) for the video "Happiness from a Harmonious Life" for having represented, with great technical skill, the contradictions existing in the hectic life of the great metropolis, arousing the interest of the spectator for the numerous advantages of a harmonious life in the environment of Cittaslow.

Special mention for: GULPEN-WITTEM (Nethelands) for the video "The Feeling of Gulpen-Wittem" through the beauty of landscapes and everyday life, the video in proposing actions and projects on the territory makes Cittaslow's important contribution to improving the quality of life clear.

Read the text of the Cittaslow Mayors' Petition

Download all the presentationsAll the Photo of the Assembly

Yaxi, more than slow down
Lidzbark in Cittaslow
Happiness from a Harmonious Life
The Feeling of Gulpen-Wittem