
Cowichan Bay (CDN) - Take the 24 hour Eat Local Challenge

Cowichan Bay

On June 18 Transition Cowichan, Cowichan Green Community and Cittaslow Cowichan Bay are urging Valley residents to try only eating food that's been grown, raised or fished on the Island for 24 hours during the second annual Eat Local Challenge.

As a bonus challenge you can plant something June 18 to eat later in the year.

"Eating locally is really about knowing the farmer or fisherman and where your food comes from," said Cittaslow President Bruce Stewart. "I believe we're the ones who get to define what local means, not the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. We can find so much of what we want to eat right here in the Cowichan Valley if we just ask."

The idea behind the challenge is to get people thinking about improving food security on Vancouver Island, supporting local food producers and thinking about the carbon footprint of food that is shipped long distances.

"Many Cowichan residents have been taking steps to eating more local food," says Transition Cowichan's Jane Kilthei. "The Challenge is a chance to take the plunge and see we can source all that we eat for 24 hours as close to home as possible. June is a great time to give it a try. We've got the Saturday market in Duncan, lots of farm gate sales, shops and restaurants that feature local fare, and many of our own back yards producing food."

Cowichan residents can sign up for the Eat Local Challenge on the Transition Cowichan Face-book page: www.facebook.com/ events/381356095314847/, or sign a pledge sheet at Cowichan Green Community.

On the evening of June 18 everyone is invited to bring a locally sourced dish to the potluck meal that is part of Cowichan Green Community's annual general meeting which runs from 4: 30-8 p.m. at the Christian Reformed Church in Duncan.

Javan Bernakevitch of Perma-culture BC is the guest speaker. Admission is by donation.

Andrea Rondeau, Citizen

Sourche: www.canada.com